I'm offended to see US flag as much as any Jew and their sympathizers are offended to see flag of Nazis. I'm offended because this flag and the fake patriotism for this flag killed millions of Natives, it destroyed the life of Apache, Arikara, the Comanche and others. I'm offended to see this flag because in the name of freedom and security innocent civilians of Panama were bombarded, I'm offended to see this flag because of the so called protectors of this flag such as the recipient of "Medal of freedom" Madeleine Albright psychopathic view that it was worth killing 500,000 innocent Iraqi children for nonexistent WMD. I'm offended to see this fascist flag that killed over 8000 innocent civilians in Afghanistan under Clinton administration, I'm offended because for the glory of this flag Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed. It's offending to see a flag and its supporters who sponsor state terrorism against innocent Palestinians and are supporters of barbaric, racist and oppressive state like Israel. What this flag reminds me is the innocent Vietnamese that were sprayed with "Agent Orange" chemical weapons, it reminds me of Fallujah and all those deformed babies born till today, it reminds me of uranium weapons used till today in Afghanistan in the name of "war on terror" and "democracy", it reminds me of Obama and his fake promises of closing Guantanamo, it reminds me of the horror of all those detainees detained without any fair trial, it reminds me of the drones and the fear among innocent civilians of Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia who hear the sound of drone planes and wait for their home to be destroyed and be labelled as "suspected terrorists".
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People get offended by seeing Nazi flag but they don't realize that the representatives of US flag murdered far more innocent people than the representatives of Nazi flag. |
I'm offended by this flag who believes they have the right to police the world and that they are the only civilized nation with freedom and liberty. What this flag and its fake patriots brought to the world is nothing but genocide, misery, destruction and hatred, it didn't helped the poor nor it brought freedom to the oppressed but it brought more profit to rich corporations and more power to corrupt greedy politicians. This fake patriotism not only gave an excuse to politicians to wage wars abroad but it brought tyranny at home and made US a police state where it's illegal to feed homeless individuals, where crime rate is higher than the so called "third world", where cities like Detroit needs more help than countries like Iraq or Afghanistan, where it's more likely to be killed by police than by some lunatic terrorist.
People need to understand that we should never support governments and military that are oppressing innocent people around the world, that are destroying our peace and are taking our freedom in the name of "security" and "development". We the people of the world must love each other and be united against these psychopaths who rule upon us in the name of "democracy" and some other form of government that give nothing but illusion of freedom.
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